Senior Housing Facilities

Assisted and Senior Living Safeway bathtub accessibility products provide senior housing providers a low-cost alternative to bath remodeling projects while providing residents with easier access to the tub area and helping to prevent injuries and falls. The Safeway Step® and Safeway Tub Door® have been installed in hundreds of assisted living and retirement facilities. Installation Options 1. Safeway Independent Installers - We Do It! There is an national network of Independent Installers that can install the Safeway Step® and Safeway Tub Door® in individual facilities as well as across multiple properties. No job is too big or too small! If you would like to find an independent installer of the Safeway Step near your facility or location, please click here. 2. Your Maintenance Staff Installs - You Do It! Your facility can also purchase Safeway products directly for installation by your maintainance staff. Safeway Safety Step, LLC can also train your maintenance and engineering staff to install the Safeway Step®. Please click here to access the easy registration form to gain access to purchasing information, online installation videos and other helpful information! Want to Discuss Our Products or Installation Options? If you would like to learn more about purchasing Safeway products, the training program for your facilities maintenance staff or to discuss installation solutions for multiple facility locations, please contact us toll-free at (855) 882-7837!